Too Long A Taboo

A closer look at mental health in the Asian American Community

Despite being one of the populations with the highest rates of mental illness, Asian Americans are also among the least likely to pursue professional care for it. Did you know that…

– Asian Americans are 3x less likely to seek help compared to other Americans -19% of Asian Americans contemplate suicide
– A quarter of all Asian Americans face mental distress (

Asian American individuals face a unique set of factors that affect our wellbeing. In addition to dealing with the stigma surrounding mental illness within our community, we’re also subject to discrimination and harmful stereotypes–like the “model minority” myth–that originate outside of it. In the wake of the pandemic, we’ve seen mental illness exasperated on a global scale. But the record setting rise in hate crimes committed against Asian Americans in the U.S. has only made that ring more true for our people. 

With unique contributing factors to our mental health, our community needs care that addresses and meets those specific needs. Below, you can find resources intentionally geared towards the betterment of the Asian American community. Too many of us have suffered in silence.
Too many of us have been talked over. It’s time we change that.


Stop AAPI Hate

Project Lotus

The AAPI Covid-19 Project

South Asian

Asian American Health Initiative



AAPI Women Lead

The shame and stigma in Asian American communities makes us report some of the highest levels of mental distress…It’s time to beat the stats.”

Project Lotus